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Big data management

Assignment 2 / Semester 1, 2023

Graph Databases

Model Answers

Graph databases

Consider a simple application where direct ights between two cities are stored as a property graph. Nodes and edges may have properties.


Fig. 1. Property Graph


1. Write down the formal property graph model  (V, E, n, A, u) for the property graph in Figure 1.                         [6 marks]


 V = {1, 2, 3}

 E = {10, 11}


. 10 →l (1, 2), 11 →l (2, 3)


. 1 → {city}, 2 → {city}, 3 → {city},

. 10 → {flight}, 11 → {flight}


. (1, name) → “Papeete”, (1, country) → “France”

. (2, name) → “Los Angeles”, (2, country) → “USA”,

. (3, name) → “Paris”, (3, country) → “France”,

. (10, airline) → “Air Tahiti”, (10, no) → “TN 8”,

. (11, airline) → “Air Tahiti”, (11, no) → “TN 8”,

2. Write the following English language query in regular property graph logic

Return all city nodes that can be reached from the city of Papeete with a sequence of connecting ights with at most two stop-overs.                                                    [4 marks]


result(3) - :flight(y, 3), y.name = “Papeete”

result(3) - :flight(y, z1), :flight(z1, 3), y.name = “Papeete”

result(3) - :flight(y, z1), :flight(z1, z2), :flight(z2, 3), y.name = “Papeete”

3. Write the following English language query in regular property graph logic

Return all city nodes that can be reached from the city of Papeete with a sequence of connecting ights that have an unlimited number of stop-overs.                        [4 marks]


result(·) - :flight(y, 3), :flight* (3, ·), y.name = “Papeete”

4. Write the following English language query in regular property graph logic

Return all city nodes in France, with a name different from Papeete, that can be reached from the city of Papeete with a sequence of connecting ights that have an unlimited number of stop-overs, where each ight is international and operated by the airline Air Tahiti” .                                   [4 marks]


reach(3, ·) - :flight(3, ·) as k, k .airline = “Air Tahiti”, 3 .country  · .country

result(·) - :reach(y, 3), :reach* (3, ·), y.name = “Papeete” ,

· .country = “France” , · .name  Papeete”

5. Write down the queries from Questions 2., 3., and 4. in regular property graph algebra.



Bat(0)rg1  (Ba (:flight)n Ba (:flight, :flight)n Ba (:flight, :flight, :flight))

② 1  : src1.name = “Papeete”

②2  : ② 1 A trg1 = src2

②3  : ②2 A trg2 = src3


Bas(0)rc1  Batr(②)g2 ,trg2  (:flight, :flight* )

② : src1.name = “Papeete” A trg1 = src2


Bas(0)rc1  Batr(v)g2 ,trg2  flight, Bascr1(②) ,trg1  (:flight)、*、、

② : edge.airline = “Air Tahiti”A src1.country  trg1.country

w : src1.name = “Papeete” A trg1 = src2A

edge1.airline = “Air Tahiti” A src1.country  trg1.countryA trg2.country = “France” A trg2.name  Papeete”

[12 marks]