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SEMESTER 2 2022/23


Marketing Data Science

Coursework Brief:

Assignment (individual): Part B (70%): Advanced data analysis using SAS Enterprise Miner

This is an individual part of your assignment using any the datasets provided in part A (i.e. the group assignment). This assignment requires you to analyse the data using advanced statistical techniques such as tree based algorithms (CART / Random Forests / Gradient Boosting), regression and neural networks.

Please review relevant literature before you begin, and give some thoughts to your research questions and decide your relevant independent and dependent variables or when appropriate moderators and mediators.

Specifically, your tasks include:

1. Examine the dataset and carry out preliminary data analysis to ensure that the data fulfil statistical assumptions prior to actual data analysis.

2. Identify latent factors and assess their reliability, which would help you determine latent constructs and their relationship. This may involve the use of exploratory factor analysis and principal component analysis.

3. Develop a theoretically grounded conceptual model using your knowledge of marketing as a starting point for theoretical reasons, and provide justification for model, such as hypothesized relationships in your conceptual model.

4. Use relevant statistical techniques to check measurement model, and provide measure validation for the hypothesized constructs and overall model.

5. Compute and estimate relationships of your model(s). This includes providing full explanation of SAS outputs and carrying model evaluation when it is appropriate and be supported by theoretical reasoning (if applicable).

Please prepare a technical report (2,500 words) and SAS code scripts / Enterprise Miner diagrams (include good practice of using comment (/*Comment*/).

Submission details:

Firstly, you must electronically submit your written report to Blackboard (Turnitin) so that it can be checked for plagiarism. Note that Turnitin will only accept MS Word or PDF documents.

Secondly, you need to submit all your files (including the data, SAS code scripts / Enterprise Miner diagrams and your report) via dropoff. Open your browser and go to https://dropoff.soton.ac.uk/. Log in. Click the "Drop-off" button. Check that your details are correct and click the "Next" button as you do not have a request code. On the next page, check again that the email address in your "from" details is correct, leave the default options checked, and click on the "+" button to specify where you would like to send the file to. Then enter the following details:

• Name: Brown, I

• Email: [email protected]

Make sure these are correct! Fill in your name, student ID and Turnitin submission code in the "Short note to the Recipients" box (along with any optional instructions about what to do with your file if needed). Have a final check everything is included. Click the "Drop off Files" button. Your file should then be uploaded to the system ready to be picked up. You will get a confirmation later on when the file has been picked up.

As for your technical report, you need to explain the analyses conducted and show your ability to select, explain, critically discuss, and evaluate the approaches taken and models chosen as well as the results obtained. This report will complement SAS input (code scripts / diagrams) and SAS output files. The SAS code scripts / diagrams will not be counted in the overall assignment wordcount. In brief, your report will include:

(a) The steps taken in the data analysis process

(b) Details of SAS procedures/nodes used

(c) Choice of analytical methods and implications

(d) Explanation for categorisation and manipulation of the data

(e) Basics of data management

(f) Theoretical and practical arguments for model specification

(g) Specification of the final model based on the data

(h) Model evaluation

(i) An appendix containing replicable SAS code and diagrams

It has to be comprehensive and thorough. Please use 12-point fonts for your report containing your SAS codes/diagrams and relevant data files.

NB: If limitations exist with your approach, that is fine, if those limitations are recognised, they are reasonable and their implications considered thoughtfully.

Nature of Assessment: This is a SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT. See ‘Weighting’ section above for the percentage that this assignment counts towards your final module mark.

Word Limit: +/-10% either side of the word count (see above) is deemed to be acceptable. Any text that exceeds an additional 10% will not attract any marks. The relevant word count includes items such as cover page, executive summary, title page, table of contents, tables, figures, in-text citations and section headings, if used. The relevant word count excludes your list of references and any appendices at the end of your coursework submission.

You should always include the word count (from Microsoft Word, not Turnitin), at the end of your coursework submission, before your list of references.

Title/Cover Page: You must include a title/ cover page that includes: your Student ID, Module Code, Assignment Title, Word Count. This assignment will be marked anonymously, please ensure that your name does not appear on any part of your assignment.

References: You should use the Harvard style to reference your assignment. The library provide guidance on how to reference in the Harvard style and this is available from: http://library.soton.ac.uk/sash/referencing

Submission Deadline: Please note that the submission deadline for Southampton Business School is 16.00 for ALL assessments.

Turnitin Submission: The assignment MUST be submitted electronically via Turnitin, which is accessed via the individual module on Blackboard. Further guidance on submitting assignments is available on the Blackboard support pages. Uploading files to Turnitin may take 30 seconds or more and you must give yourself plenty of time for the file to be uploaded by the assignment deadline.

Email submission receipts are not currently supported with Turnitin Feedback Studio LTI integrations, however following a submission, students are presented with a banner within their assignment dashboard that provides a link to download a submission receipt. You can also access your assignment dashboard at any time to download a copy of the submission receipt using the receipt icon. It is vital that you make a note of your Submission ID (Digital Receipt Number). This is a unique receipt number for your submission, and is proof of successful submission. You may be required to provide this number at a later date.  We recommend that you take a screenshot of this page, or note the number down on a piece of paper.

You are allowed to test submit your assignment via Turnitin before the due date. You can use Turnitin to check your assignment for plagiarism before you submit your final version. See “Viewing Your Originality Report” for guidance. Please see the Module Leader/lecturer on your module if you would like advice on the Turnitin Originality report.

Late Penalties: Further information on penalties for work submitted after the deadline can be found here.

Special Considerations: If you believe that illness or other circumstances have adversely affected your academic performance, information regarding the regulations governing Special Considerations can be accessed via the Calendar: http://www.calendar.soton.ac.uk/sectionIV/special-considerations.html

Extension Requests: : Extension requests along with supporting evidence should be submitted to the Student Office as soon as possible before the submission date. Information regarding the regulations governing extension requests can be accessed via the Calendar: http://www.calendar.soton.ac.uk/sectionIV/special-considerations.html

Academic Integrity Policy: Please note that you can access Academic Integrity Guidance for Students via the Quality Handbook: http://www.southampton.ac.uk/quality/assessment/academic_integrity.page?. Please note any suspected cases of Academic Integrity will be notified to the Academic Integrity Officer for investigation.

Feedback: Southampton Business School is committed to providing feedback within 4 weeks (University working days). Once the marks are released and you have received your feedback, you can meet with your Module Leader / Module Lecturer / Personal Academic Tutor to discuss the feedback within 4 weeks from the release of marks date. Any additional arrangements for feedback are listed in the Module Profile.

Student Support: Study skills and language support for Southampton Business School students is available at: http://www.sbsaob.soton.ac.uk/study-skills-and-language-support/.

Further Information: Can be found in the Faculty of Business, Law and Art Handbook