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Assignment One

This is an individual piece of work


This assignment provides you with the opportunity to learn how to apply swaps to financial problems. It is an example of the application of swaps in financial engineering and is representative of the kinds of uses market practitioners make of swaps (both interest rate swaps—as in this case—and cross-currency swaps).

Equally, it is also an opportunity to practice good business-style” reporting. The length of  the assignment solution you provide is limited to two pages with a minimum font size of 11 point and some margin around the pages! The intention in setting such a short assignment is for you to practice the kind of report writing skills that are useful in your future career.

No manager wants to get a long, overcomplicated, often rambling report when the same information can be provided with brevity, clarity, and the essentials explained in a much shorter document. This is your opportunity to practice such succinctness! And to consider and apply how to present your work in a business-professional manner. Guidance on how to do this is provided later.

Note that you must provide the “logic” of the transactions and show the “calculations” to  support your logic and conclusions. You MUST show how the value of the transaction and cashflows work to deliver the solution. Otherwise, it is largely a fail.

In doing so, remember to follow the cash.

In writing your report, you can assume the reader (your audience) is knowledgeable about swaps, their uses, and so forth, so definitions and explanations of basic details are not required. The basics (e.g., what is covered in, say, Hull and on the course) can be taken as understood. That said, you do need to show how you worked out the solutions from the data provided in the case. That is, you do have to have a workable solution that can be followed by a fellow expert that is the evidence for your conclusion You do not need to show how it was arrived at. Namely, based on the conditions in the market as described in the case, you are not required to show how a market practitioner could deliver the outcome you describe.

If you have any questions on the case, please contact me by email in the first instance.

The Case: Repackaging Debt

Part A

Scot Bank has been given the opportunity to buy a large quantity of US dollar-denominated bonds issued by Scottish Energy Enterprises (SEE), a triple-B rated British utility company. The total number of bonds would amount to a principal amount of $100 million but the bonds are currently trading in the market at a discount to par.1

The bonds carry a fixed annual-pay coupon of 6.0 per cent and have exactly five years to maturity —so the first coupon you will receive from buying the bonds is one year away .  Hence, there is no accrued interest to worry about.

The bonds are being offered to Scot Bank at 84.837 per cent of par. At this price, the yield- to-maturity on the bonds is 10 per cent per year.

SEE is a long-standing customer and the bank has an available line of credit for the principal amount of the bonds. Unfortunately, Scot Bank, although interested in the opportunity to   invest in the bonds would want to hold a floating rate asset, not a fixed-coupon bond.

However, the Lightning Investment Bank (LIB) has offered to repackage the bonds for Scot Bank as synthetic floating rate notes via a special purpose vehicle (SPV).

The deal is as follows: Scot Bank will provide $100 for each bond purchased and will receive the SFR (secured floating rate), as the floating rate, plus a 20 basis points spread (0.20 per    cent) over the reference rate (SFR) for the five years, plus a repayment of the $100 principal at maturity. These floating rate payments will take place at the end of each year (i.e., annually) to match the payments of the bond’s coupon interest and up to and including the final maturity at the end of year 5.

The terms and conditions in the US dollar interest-rate swaps market are given below:

Par Swaps Curve


1 Year



3 Years

4 Years

5 Years

Par swaps rate              9.50%          9.59%         9.62%          9.69%             9.70%

against SFR

SFR: Secured funding rate (the reference rate for the floating side of the swap) Swap interest rates are annual pay, as is the bond

Questions for Part A

1.   Briefly explain why Scot Bank would wish to hold a floating rate asset issued by SEE rather than the fixed rate bonds.

2.   Analyse the synthetic floating rate note offer for value” . That is, can it be considered a  “fair value transaction” . In doing so, explain and show how the cash flows of the transaction add or do not add up . In doing this, you might like to briefly comment on the following issues/questions:

a.   Take into consideration when undertaking your analysis that Scot Bank is not a sophisticated user of derivatives.

b.   Is the transaction a reasonable one from Scot Bank's perspective or is the Lightning Investment Bank using its superior knowledge of financial engineering and derivatives to exploit the bank?

Note no transaction will be entirely at fair value since there will be transaction costs and the provider (LIB) will expect to be remunerated for their efforts, if not charging a fee. You may wish to comment on whether any deviation from fair value represents a reasonable structuring fee.

c.    Is any mispricing (i.e., deviation from fair value) significantly above what one might expect, given the point in b. and what are the advantages/disadvantages of Scot     Bank entering into the synthetic being offered by Lighting Investment Bank?

d.   Explain and show how LIB has structured the deal using your calculations to demonstrate the way the structure is put together . (Remember: follow the cash!)

Marks for Part A: 70

Part B

Assume that exactly two years have now passed.

Between  the  initial  transaction  in  Part  A  and  now  Part  B,  Scot  Bank  has  reviewed  its investments and would now like to unwind the synthetic floating rate note created from holding SEE dollar bonds and where the SPV then sells-off the bonds. At this point, the bonds, with exactly 3-years to maturity, are trading at 93.18 in the market.

Interest rates have fallen, and the new interest rate par swaps yield curve is as given below:

New Par Swaps Curve


1 Year 2 years 3 Years

Par swaps rate against SFR                       8.25%         8.38%          8.45%

SFR: Secured funding rate (the reference rate for the floating side of the swap) Swap interest rates are annual pay, as is the bond

Questions for Part B

a.   What will be the new value of the synthetic floating rate note package and will LIB on  Scot  Bank’s  behalf  be  able  to  unwind  the  transaction  without  Scot  Bank incurring a loss?

b.   At what price must the SPV sell the bonds to breakeven so that Scot Bank does not incur a loss of principal?

c.    Explain what has to happen at this point for all the cash flows to net off correctly and ensure that Scot Bank does not incur a loss of principal . (Remember: follow the cash!)

Marks for Part B: 30

Total Marks for Parts A and B: 100

Some Thoughts on Writing the Assignment

As detailed in the brief above, I am not expecting a long report. So, keep it as short as possible and to the point. Clarity, accuracy, precision, and brevity are necessary here.

The maximum word count (excluding tables and references if you consider these necessary) is 800 words.

Given the need for brevity, you will need to plan what to say, given the document

length/word count limitation. Use exhibits to provide the technical detail and write to explain/justify the results you obtain. See earlier guidance on not having to explain basics of swaps, and so forth.

As you realise, this is an exercise in financial engineering using swaps, so what I am looking for is your ability to understand and calculate the transactions involved and explain the results/ processes involved. Therefore, in a sense, what I am seeking is a diagnostic analysis, with all the cash flows accounted for—but that said, there is no single pre-set way of addressing the topic.

Make sure you show how you arrived at the result (i.e., how the solution to the problem was arrived at) as this is most definitely a core part of the assignment.

Working with a spreadsheet and using this to present your results is fine. Just don’t give me the decimal dust. Work in millions to two decimal places (Excel will do the necessary rounding) and seek to report your findings in the way the market speaks. It should be basis  points for fractions of a percent and not decimals (0. 15% = 15 basis points).

There is no set report format, but it is good practice to plan the written document in the form  of a report. After all, this is how you will have to report your findings if you were writing this in a business setting!

Consider the layout and the presentation of the tables. Tables should be properly notated and described, if necessary. Think how the whole report will look to the reader, so consider the   impression it gives to the recipient. You should be aiming for a professional look to your report.

Note the report will be “read” electronically, so you need to take that into account in how it “looks” when read in this way.

Happy learning!

Examples of Analysts Reports

Below are some examples, based on common stocks, to show you the professional” approach to short report formats used in financial services. (Alas, I couldn’t find similar ones for swaps.)

Now I am not suggesting you slavishly follow the format for these reports but use these      examples to inspire yourself towards providing me with a professional-looking assignment.

Key points to note about these reports (which I make in my brief):

•   Their brevity. None of these one-pagers” use a lot of words to explain their point-of- view.

•   They make use of tables and charts whenever possible to tell the story. Note how clear and well laid out they are without decimal dust and other clutter.

•   A lot of detail the reader knows is omitted and only the key information is given. As per the brief, you can do this. I do not need to know what a swap is, nor what the floating rate is and so on.

They get to the point straightaway and highlight conclusions immediately.

Note: You can/should ignore both branding and contacts in your versions.