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Financial Optimisation

Individual Assignment (15 CATS), 2022-2023

Assignment Instructions

All assignments must be submitted ONLINE via my.wbs by 7pm UK time on the date displayed against this assessment.

Please ensure that you have inserted a completedassignment coversheet, which must be included as the first page of your script. This should include your Student ID number, but not your name.

Word Limit

Maximum 5 pages, including the cover page.

Word Count Policy

WBS has a school-wide policy on word counts.  This is strictly enforced to ensure consistency across modules and programme. You can find more information about this policy in your Student Handbook under Academic

Practice -4i. Word count policy.

This is a strict limit not a guideline: any piece submitted with more words than the limit will result in the excess not being marked.

Academic Practice

Please ensure you read the full guidelines forAcademic Practicein the Undergraduate Handbook and ensure you  understand  it. If in doubt, please seek clarification in advance of your submission .   This  includes important information on:

•    Cheating, plagiarism and collusion

•    Correct referencing

•    Using internet sources in assessments

•    Academic writing

•    English Language support

•    Word count policy

When you submit this assignment online, you will be required to tick a declaration box indicating that the work involved is entirely your own. Each assignment will be put through plagiarism software to identify any collusion or inadequate referencing of materials used from different sources.

We would consider taking action if your work:

1.    is too reliant on the words of particular authors (rather than presenting your ideas in your own words), if the essay uses the ideas or words of an author without referencing them or putting their words into quotations (plagiarism).

2.    suggests that you have worked very closely with another student or students (unless explicitly asked to do so by your Module Leader/Tutor) (collusion).

3.    includes unreferenced work that you have previously submitted for any accredited course of study (unless explicitly asked to do so by your Module Leader/Tutor) (self-plagiarism).

Extensions and Self-certification

Late submissions will incur a penalty of 5% for every 24 hour period after the due date and time, i.e. this begins one minute after the submission deadline (beginning at 7.01pm).

Requests for specific extensions (of up to 15 days) which are typically for longer and more serious concerns must be submitted via my.wbs ideally 72 hours BEFORE the deadline. Extensions can only be approved if you

clearly detail your circumstances and provide supporting documentation (or a reason as to why you cannot

provide the supporting documentation at the time) as set out in theMitigating Circumstances Policy.

Self-certification is a university-wide policy whereby you are permitted an automatic extension of 5 working days on eligible written assessed work without the need for evidence. WBS permits self-certification for all types of written, assessed works such as essays and dissertations. It is not permitted for exams, course tests, or presentations.

You can self-certify twice within each year of study, starting from the anniversary of your course start date. This will cover all eligible written assessments that fall within the self-certification period, as long as they have not previously had an extension applied. To find out further details about the self-certification policy please


If you wish to self-certify for an extension of 5 working days, please select 'Self-certification' in the Extension Type field. If you wish to request a longer extension than 5 working days, please leave the Extension Type as 'Standard'.

Your assignment instructions begin below.

Instructions: Please read carefully!

The assignment consists of two questions. Read each question carefully and perform the following tasks.

Modelling Tasks: For each problem, you need

o to provide the complete mathematical programming formulation in a compact form in terms of all sets of decision variables, the objective function, constraints, and parameters you use to write down the problem formulation .

o to use AMPL to solve the underlying optimisation model with appropriate solver and data .

o to provide a brief explanation of main observations if needed.

Writing Format: Handwritten solutions are not allowed! Write your answers clearly using MS Word or LaTeX with the font size 11. The main body of the assignment should NOT exceed 5 pages (including the cover page).

o Enter your ID number at the beginning of your work. Make sure that each page (in the main document) has your ID number and the question number.

o Your AMPL codes must be named as QuestionNumber” . For example, AMPL codes of Question 1 part (b) should be called as Q1b.mod’, ‘Q1b.dat’, and Q1b.run’ .

o Do not include your AMPL codes into the main document as the answer to any question.

Submission and Deadline: A pdf version of Word or Latex document should be submitted to the ‘Individual  Assignment  (15  CATS)’  assessment  area  on  my.wbs.  Your AMPL files should  be submitted in a zip file to the Individual Assignment Zip File for Codes’ area. Submission is to be made  electronically,  following  the electronic submission guidelines,  on  or  before  the  date displayed against this assessment. Late submissions are automatically marked down. Ensure your submission will print clearly in black and white.

Finally, problem formulations, AMPL models as well as relevant explanations have to be your own work; any similarity between submissions (solution, writing and construction) shall be dealt with accordingly.

IB3K20: Financial Optimisation Individual Assignment 2022/2023

Questions 1 (60% of marks)


The  portfolio  manager  of  a telecommunication  company  is  currently  considering  different fixed  income securities such as government and commercial bonds (labelled as i = 1,2, … , n) to pay off a series of future cash obligations over a four-year planning horizon. They now need to decide the number of securities to purchase today so that the future cash requirements Ct  (£) in year t for t = 1, . . . , 4 are met. The portfolio manager  assumes that these securities are widely available  in the  market  and can  be  purchased  in any quantities at the given price. Moreover, he considers only securities with 1, 2, 3, and 4-year maturities.

Let pi(£) denote the current market price of security i . Each security i yields annual coupon payment of qi(£) up to its maturity. The principal Fi(£) of security i is paid out at maturity. After an initial investment on bonds is made at t = 0, they can also apply for a one-year loan or borrow a certain amount of money at any time if they need, but do not wish to consider another reinvestment opportunities. An amount of money can be borrowed from year t to year t+1 with annual rate of bt(%) at each time-period. Similarly, a loan to be received at each time-period will be paid-off at the next time-period with annual interest rate Tt(%) from year t to the next year  t+1. Moreover, there is no cash reinvestment, loan or borrowing at the end of planning horizon.  The  portfolio  manager  would  like  to  determine  an  optimal  portfolio  dedication  strategy  that maximizes the final cash on hand at the end of investment horizon and minimizes the total cost of investment.

a) Assume that all model parameters are known, and the fixed rates remain the same over a year. Formulate (but do not solve) a deterministic linear programming model of the portfolio dedication problem. (10 marks)

b) Now, ignore the optimization model developed in part (a). They assume that both rates ̃Tt   and t are uncertain. Thus, they generate a scenario tree, that is showing a probabilistic representation of random rates of one-year loan and annual borrowing over the five-year period. They observe either one or two different events, representing realizations of random rates at each node of scenario tree with certain probability, over the investment horizon. Modify the linear program developed in part (a) and formulate (but do not solve) a scenario based linear programming model that maximizes the total expected cash on hand at the final time-period and minimizes the total cost of investment. Briefly explain what additional variables/constraints you need to add to the model developed in part (a). (20 marks)

c) Consider an instance of the firm’s financing problem consisting of up to 10 securities. For the scenario based stochastic programming formulation developed in part (b), generate an appropriate sample data  set  as  input to the optimisation  model.  Find the  optimal  investment  strategy  by  using the numerical data (to be generated). Briefly summarize your observations. (30 marks)

Question 2 (40% of marks)


Janet has been working as a chief data scientist in a retailer for the last three years. She has recently been concerned with her personal finance as she would like to buy her first house in Warwickshire. Currently, she has a capital of £70k and considers investing today in stocks of three British companies (namely, BT, Shell and Sainsbury) from FTSE 100. She would like to have at least £120k after nine years (starting from today) to be able to pay a deposit for her first house. If she does not have £120k after nine years, she plans to borrow an amount (that she needs) at a cost of 5%. Once she makes the initial investment decisions today, she can review and change these decisions once every 3 years. She would like to develop a stochastic programming model and considers a scenario tree to model an evaluation of asset returns over time where at most two different realisations (of asset  returns at each  node of the scenario tree) with a certain  branching  probability are observed.

•    Generate a sample scenario tree with an appropriate structure as described. Plot the scenario tree and clearly display decision stages,  branching structure with  probabilities, and  return  realisations.  Briefly describe first-stage and second-stage decision variables and clearly show them on the scenario tree.

•    Formulate and solve the problem as a stochastic linear optimisation model that maximizes the expected value of lump sum cash, she has left, at the end of planning horizon by taking into account expected cost of borrowing. Briefly summarize your observations. (40 marks)