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ECM604 Econometrics I

Econometrics Project and Computer Lab Sessions


This is an individual project aiming to provide you an opportunity to apply the econometrics techniques you learnt from this module with real world data.  You have to start your project with a raw dataset. You are expected to generate the relevant variables, perform estimations and tests,   justify your methods and critically review the results you obtained.

The dataset

You have to use the 2013 Annual Population Survey (APS) dataset for this project. You can download the dataset and its related documents from Blackboard.

Computer lab sessions

Computer lab sessions are integral part of the module. They are particularly important for completing the project. These sessions cover not just the STATA commands for econometrics estimation. We also go through some basic techniques on generating the relevant variables from   raw dataset, performing estimations and tests. We have eight computer lab sessions totally. In the first four sessions, we discuss and learn how to generate relevant variables from a raw dataset in light of a research question. In the remaining sessions, we discuss and practice how to perform estimations and tests.

The research question

Since this is not a dissertation module, I do not expect you to spend too much time to find your research question/topic for this project. Thus, you are expected to answer on the following question with the 2013 APS dataset.

Do females earn less than males? If so, by how much?

If you would like to work on another question, you must discuss with me and get my approval before the end of October.

What do I expect you to do?

You are not writing a dissertation or research paper. I expect you to demonstrate that you are able to apply the econometrics techniques from this module only. A good applied econometrics work does not necessarily need very sophisticated econometrics methods. A careful handling of the data is much more important. Thus, I do not expect you to use econometrics methods beyond this module. You must not replicate the results of any existing research papers. You do not need to do literature review, although having a look on related research papers may give you some insights. As stated in the overview, you are expected to do the following

1.      generate the relevant variables

2.      perform estimations and tests

3.      justify your methods

4.      critically review the results you obtained

In doing the estimation, you must face some problems/challenges in identifying the effect that you are interested in. I expect you to try to solve/reduce these problems with the knowledge you learnt from this module. Just like all research papers, you will not be able to solve all problems and your results will never be perfect. There must be some limitations and/or potential weaknesses you’re your and the audiences have to be aware of. You are expected to explain these limitations and weaknesses concisely.

What do you have to submit?

I do not expect you to write a full report on your project. You have to submit one PowerPoint file and one do file (saved in plain text format) via Turnitin only.

The PowerPoint file should contain no more than 8 slides. It should cover explanation notes on the  variables, the main STATA estimation and test results (with your justifications and interpretation) and your critical review on the results. Bear in that only an outline of the key points would be enough. Font size should not be smaller than 20. I do not expect reading nearly a hundred words on each slide…In my view, a good work should be concise and up to the point.

The do file is a STATA file containing all commands that you use for this project. They include every commands from generating the relevant variables from the raw dataset to your estimations and tests in correct order. In other words, I should be able to obtain your results presented in your PowerPoint file by run through the do file with the 2013 APS dataset from Blackboard. Please tidy up your do file so that I can easily see what your do with each command.