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JCP265H Term Project

In the term project for this course, you will write a program in Python that analyses or produces scientific data to test a hypothesis or address a scientific question. The data must be related to one of these four scientific disciplines: physics, chemistry, biophysics or biochemistry. You can complete this project either on your own or with a partner. If you work with a partner, you will both receive the same grade. The term project is worth 20% of your final grade. Here are the components of the project:

(1) Project proposal [4%]: Your proposal (max. 500 words) should include the following information:

what scientific research question or hypothesis the data will be used to address/test. where you will obtain your chosen scientific data set (it should be from a reliable source, freely available online or data that you have generated). Examples include: https:// data.nasa.gov; https://www.nist.gov/data; https://datascience.nih.gov. You can find a list of scientific data repositories here: https://www.nature.com/sdata/policies/repositories

a brief introduction to the topic.

a description of the steps/algorithm of your program in words and/or diagrams. what the output of your program will be (e.g. figures, tables, numerical values, etc.) Submit the proposal by email to [email protected] by November 22nd at 3:00pm. Feel free to ask if your topic is acceptable through email beforehand.

(2) Program [10%]: Your program can be written in a Jupyter notebook or as a separate python program (.py file). The final version of your program will be due on December 6th at 3:00 pm. Your program will be graded on correctness, use of good programming style, use of readable comments/docstrings, producing clear and readable figures (saved as separate files), and complexity. Your program should include at least one function/method that we have not covered in class.

(3) Code review and debugging [2%]: We will have an in-class debugging exercise on Tuesday November 29th at 3:00pm. You will need to have a draft version of your program ready for review by this date. You will be paired with two other groups. You will provide them with constructive comments on their code. The debugging exercise, which must be completed in class, will be worth 2% [1% for the comments you provide to each of the other groups and 1% for your draft program].

(4) Final Project Presentation and Summary [4%]: On December 6th, you/your group will present your program and its results. Be sure to indicate where the data came from, your hypothesis or research question, what you learned or concluded from the data, any major challenges you faced when writing your program, and what new function or method you used in your program. Please submit your presentation file (powerpoint, keynote or pdf) by email before your presentation. Your presentation will be timed and should be no more than 7 minutes.