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STAT621 Project

This project leads you to think about applying survival analysis in data from other fields, other than biostatistics. Survival Analysis, although gained its name from the field of biostatics, is also widely used on other types of data, having the statistical features of survival data.

Q1. (70 pts) Game of Thrones is a popular television series known for its violent and graphic portrayal of the deaths of its characters. Lystad and Brown (2018) did a study aiming to examine the mortality and survival of important characters in Game of Thrones.  The paper and the datasets are available from the module Project 1 in our canvas class.  For all questions, you need to show your code or reasoning, and results.

1.1 (10 pts) Examine the data dictionary, the datasets, and the paper.  There are several variables containing some sort of time in the dataset. Which variable is the time to event, T?  Why?

1.2 (10 pts) Which variable contains the censoring information?

1.3 (15 pts) The Lystad and Brown (2018) paper used data up to the 7th season when they started analyzing the GoT characters.  Later, after their paper, they continued to collect data from season 8 as well, which is the data you are looking at. Use the end of the 7th season as the termination time for the study, how many cases are censored? You can either use PROC FREQ in SAS, or just pivot tables in excel to answer this question.  Don’t manually count. Hint: be sure to exclude those who were introduced in season 8 and pay attention to the censoring flag of those died in season 8.

1.4 (15 pts) The authors used R to generate the tables and charts in the table.  For Fig. 1 and Fig. 2, what SAS procedures can create similar results?  Write the SAS code to duplicate these charts.

1.5 (20 pts) How would you interpret these charts? You may want to interpret each figure individually, and then summarize into a general conclusion.

Q2. (30 pts) The GoT study uses data from the entertainment field, but the outcome still have some flavor of death and survival.   Think of, or find, another example where the outcome is not death, but survival analysis is an appropriate method.  Don’t use the examples in the textbook.  Goggle is your friend.  Be sure to list:

1. The background of the study,

2. The event,

3. The key time to event variable T,

4. Possible censoring, and

5. Why this is a good candidate to use survival analysis.