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COMP10001 Foundations of Computing

Semester 1, 2020

Python Essentials


>>>  print (1  +  2  +  3)


>>>  print ( "Tim")


>>>  print ( "apples " )


>>>  print ( "This  is  a  string " )

This  is  a  string

>>>  print (2,  "apples " )

2  apples


Anything after a (non-quoted) hash (#) in a line of code is ignored by Python, and can be used to comment your program/comment out code.

Variables, Literals and Types

Variable names in Python must start with a character or underscore (_), and can also include numbers (except for the initial character); they are case-sensitive and cannot be reserved words:

and  del  for  is  raise

assert  elif  from  lambda  return

break  else  global  not  try

class  except  if  or  while

continue  exec  import  pass  yield

def  finally  in  print

Values can be assigned to variables with =, e.g.:

variable_name  =  value

>>>  myname  =  "Tim"

>>>  mynumber  =  100

Literals are constant values of a given type:

>>>  2


>>>  3 . 0


>>>  "apple "

'apple '

All variables and literals have a type:

int = integer (whole number)

str = string (chunk of text)

float = floating point number (real number)

bool = Boolean (True or False)

list = sequence of values; values can be of different types, and can be modified

tuple = sequence of values; values can be of different types, but can’t be modified

•  dict = dictionary (collection of keys and associated values; keys must be unique, and can’t be lists or dictionaries; values can be of different types)

•  set = set (collection of keys; keys must be unique, and can’t be lists or dictionaries; basically a value-less dictionary)

To nd out the type of a variable:

>>>  type (my_name)

To convert to a given type, use the type name (int, str, float, etc.):

>>>  int (2 . 0)


>>>  float ( " 1.8 " )  #  convert  string  to  floating  point  number


noting that this is not always possible:

>>>  int ( "two " )

Traceback   (most  recent  call  last):

File  "" ,  line  1,  in  

ValueError:  invalid  literal  for  int ()  with  base  10:   'two '

It is also possible to convert a single character into its underlying Unicode code point representation, and from an integer to a character:

>>>  chr (59)

' ; '

>>>  ord ( 'A ' )


Arithmetic operators can be used over numeric values (int and float):

+  -  *  /  %  **

Each of these can be combined into a compound assignment operator:

>>>  a  =  2

>>>  print (a)


>>>  a  +=  3  #  equivalent  to  a  =  a  +  3

>>>  print (a)


>>>  a  **=  2  #  equivalent  to  a  =  a  **  2

>>>  print (a)


The operators + and * can also be used over strings:

>>>  a  =  "2"

>>>  b  =  "3"

>>>  print (a+b)

'23 '

>>>  a  *=  4

>>>  print (a)

'2222 '

To check whether a string is contained within another string, use in:

>>>  "a "  in  "abracadabra "


>>>  "abb "  in  "abracadabra "



Python knows a number of compound data types, used to group together other values. The most versatile is the list, which can be written as a list of comma-separated values (items) between square brackets. List items need not all have the same type.

>>>  a  =   [ 'spam ' ,   'eggs ' ,  100,  1234 .5]                                                                                                   >>>  a                                                                                                                                                                             [ 'spam ' ,   'eggs ' ,  100,  1234 .5]

Individual values in a list can be indexed. List indices start at 0, and lists can be sliced ([x:y]), concatenated (+), repeated (*), etc:

>>>  a[0]

'spam '

>>>  a[3]                                                                                                                                                                     1234.5

>>>  a[-2]

100                                                                                                                                                                                >>>  a[1:- 1]

[ 'eggs ' ,  100]                                                                                                                                                          >>>  a[:2]  +   [ 'bacon ' ,  2 *2]                                                                                                                             [ 'spam ' ,   'eggs ' ,   'bacon ' ,  4]                                                                                                                        >>>  2 *a[:2]  +   ["fin " ]                                                                                                                                         [ 'spam ' ,   'eggs ' ,   'spam ' ,   'eggs ' ,   'fin ' ]

Checking for the existence of a given value in a list:

>>>  a  =   [ 'spam ' ,   'eggs ' ,   'bacon ' ]                                                                                                             >>>  "spam "  in  a


>>>  "fin "  in  a


You can also calculate the length of a list via len ():

>>>  len (a)


or return a sorted version of a list via sorted ():

>>>  a  =   [ 'spam ' ,   'eggs ' ,   'bacon ' ]                                                                                                             >>>  print (sorted (a))                                                                                                                                           [ 'bacon ' ,   'eggs ' ,   'spam ' ]                                                                                                                               >>>  print (a)  #  note  that  the  original  is  unchanged                                                                       [ 'spam ' ,   'eggs ' ,   'bacon ' ]

It is also possible to generate a list of values (e.g. to iterate over a list in a for loop) with range ():

>>>  list (range (5))  #  return  a  list  from  0   (implicitly)  to  5,  non-inclusive                  [0,  1,  2,  3,  4]                                                                                                                                                       >>>  list (range (1,5))  #  return  a  list  from  1  to  5,  non-inclusive                                           [1,  2,  3,  4]                                                                                                                                                              >>>  list (range (5,1,- 1))  #  return  a  list  from  5  to  1,  non-inclusive,  by  steps  of  - 1 [5,  4,  3,  2]

To convert a string to a list of component characters, use list ():

>>>  list ( "ad  hoc " )                                                                                                                                                [ 'a ' ,   'd ' ,   '   ' ,   'h ' ,   'o ' ,   'c ' ]

All of the above operators and functions equally apply to strings (where the “items” are the individual characters in the string) and tuples (identical to lists except that they are initialised with parentheses, and it is not possible to change the contents of a tuple).  The methods described below (append(), remove() and sort()) are

in-place and therefore do not apply to strings or tuples (as they are “immutable”).

You can append values to a list, and remove items from a list (by value or index):

>>>  a  =   [ 'spam ' ,   'eggs ' ,   'bacon ' ]

>>>  a .append( 'sausages ' )

>>>  print (a)

[ 'spam ' ,   'eggs ' ,   'bacon ' ,   'sausages ' ]

>>>  a .remove( 'eggs ' )

>>>  print (a)

[ 'spam ' ,   'bacon ' ,   'sausages ' ]

>>>  a .pop(1)

'bacon '

>>>  print (a)

[ 'spam ' ,   'sausages ' ]

Finally, you can sort a list in-placeusing sort():

>>>  a  =   [ 'spam ' ,   'eggs ' ,   'bacon ' ]

>>>  a .sort()

>>>  print (a)  #  note  that  the  original  is  changed

[ 'bacon ' ,   'eggs ' ,   'spam ' ]


A string is a sequence of characters alphabetic, numeric, symbols, spaces — that Python stores as a index- able sequence. Elements common to lists are covered above. Here, we cover only string-specific syntax and methods.

•  Strings can be delimited by either double quotes (e.g. "Tim") or single quotes (e.g. 'Tim').

Multiline values can be assigned to a string by triple-quoting:

silly  =  """Two                                                                                                                                             Lines"""

• Another approach is to embed “escaped” newline characters into the string, e.g.:                                    silly  =  "Two\nLines "

Another common special character is \t for tab.

Some useful string methods are:

s .strip(STRING)  #  return  s  with  all  instances  of  characters  in  STRING #   (whitespace  if  STRING  is  not  supplied)  removed  from #  the  *ends *  of  s

s .split(STRING)  #  return  a  list  of  STRING-delimited

#   (space  if  STRING  is  not  supplied)  substrings  in  s

Remember that strings are immutable so to make a change “stick” you have to do, e.g.:

It is also possible to generate a string with values of different types inserted into it using f-strings, e.g.:

You can optionally stipulate the output format for different argument types by inserting a colon, a type declara- tion and options for that type between the colon and the type declaration. Type declarations of note are:

Getting user input

>>>  users_name  =  input ( "Enter  your  name :  " )

>>>  print ( "Your  name  is :  "  +  users_name)


Data can be read in from a le by rst creating a file “object”:

>>>  fp  =  open (FILENAME)

and then using the following methods:

fp.read ()  #  return  the  entire  contents  of  the  file  as  a  single  string

fp .readlines()  #  return  the  entire  contents  of  the  file  as  a  list  of #  strings   (one  per  line)

Equivalently, these methods can be called directly over an ”anonymous” file handle:

>>>  text  =  open (FILENAME) .read()  #  store  the  entire  contents  of  FILENAME  in  text

It is also possible to write data out to a file, by opening the file in ”write” mode:

>>>  fp  =  open (FILENAME, 'w ' )

This will write over the original contents of the le (if there were any); it is also possible to append to an existing file using 'a ' instead of 'w '. In both cases, the following methods are used to write text to the open file object:

fp .write(TEXT)  #  write  TEXT  to  fp,  appending  it  to  whatever  is  currently  there

fp .close()  #  close  fp  so  no  more  text  can  be  written  out  to  it


Python supports a number of conditional tests that return a Boolean truth value (True or False):

==  <= >=  >  < !=

for example:

>>>  2  ==  1  #  test  whether  1  is  equal  to  2


>>>  "apple "   !=  "banana "  #  test  whether  "apple"  and  "banana"  are  not  equal


>>>  " z "  < "a "


>>>  " z "  >=  "a "


These can be combined with logic operators such as and, not and or, e.g.:

>>>  2  ==  1  and  "apple "   !=  "banana "


The if :elif :else statement allows you to test for the truth of a condition (of the type specified above), and execute a block of code depending on whether the condition/expression is True or False:

>>>  if  :

>>>           block  1  of  code

>>>  elif  :

>>>           block  2  of  code

>>>  elif  :

>>>           block  3  of  code


>>>  else :

>>>           block  n  of  code

Iteration (Loops)

The for statement allows you to iterate over a sequence of values:

>>>  for   [element]  in   [sequence]:

>>>           block  of  code

The while statement allows you to repeat a block of code until the stipulated logical expression evaluates to False:

>>>  while   [expression  is  True]:

>>>           block  of  code


Dictionaries are like lists, but instead of indexing with a number, you index the list with a unique key. This has the advantage that you don’t need to remember where a value is in the dictionary, you only need to remember

what it’s called.

Dictionary initialisation:

>>>  dictionary  =   {}

>>>  dictionary  =   {  "capuccino "   :  2 .75,  "chai "   :  3 .50   }

Iterating over a dictionary:

>>>  dictionary  =   {  "capuccino "   :  2 .75,  "chai "   :  3 .50   }

>>>  for  key  in  dictionary:

...           print (key)



Looking up items in a dictionary:

>>>  dictionary[ "capuccino " ]


Adding items to a dictionary:

>>>  dictionary[ "tea " ]  =  2 .50

Checking for the existence of a given key in the dictionary:

>>>  "tea "  in  dictionary  #  is  "tea"  contained  in  dictionary   (True  or  False)?

Useful dictionary methods:

dictionary .pop(KEY)  #  remove  KEY   (and  return  its  VALUE)

dictionary .keys()  #  return  list  of  keys

dictionary .values()  #  return  list  of  values

dictionary .items()  #  return  list  of   (KEY,VALUE)  tuples  contained  in  dictionary